Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Rabbit-Proof Fence

While watching the movie, 'The Rabbit - Proof Fence', we were able to tell that Molly and her sisters were the protagonists, while Mr Nevile and the British were the antagonists. Throughout the whole movie, Molly has had actions to show her courage, as well as actions to show her weaknesses. Could Molly be classified as a hero for what she has done for herself, her sister and her cousin? Is Molly a champion, for fighting against the British people for the safety and well being for her and her family? Most of us would have different view on this, but personally, I think of Molly as a hero. At such a young age, she is taken away from her family, left to look after herself, her younger sister and cousin. She tries hard to fit in with the new environment, but she is unable to, after living with the aboriginal culture for many years of her life. Soon, she realizes that she cant, and runs away to her mother, which is 1,200 miles away from her and her company. Being a very good tracker, she leaves tracks on purpose, going the opposite direction she goes. The British tracker, Moodoo, has a hard time tracking them. I strongly think that Molly is a hero for all that she has done for the safety and happiness of her, her sister and her cousin.

1 comment:

  1. I think your writing is very clear and explained well. You have reasons why she is a hero, and I agreed to your opinion. I like the way how you wrote some questions and answering back the questions. Overall, your paragraph is well written.
