Monday, March 28, 2011

Rabbit - Proof Fence - A confession to the Aboriganese Culture

Dear Australians,
I have come to say that the natives of our country deserve our respect and loyalty. Without them, we would not have been here today. Australia would not be the country it is today as it would have had a different early background. The aboriginal Australians were the first to roam that piece of land and first to survive all the disasters that came in their way. The natives allowed us to live where we live today, and without them, we might still be fighting the British. When the British first came to Australia, they thought it was their own land, not knowing that there were already people living there. The natives were confused at first, but they were friendly among the British, to make friends with them. Over time, the British population over-ruled the natives and they started to take over their lives. The aborigines children were taken away from their own mother, and they were taught to be slaves. The British men would have sex with any aborigines female, to rule out the aboriginal culture in them. In the British's views, they were doing the right thing by taking the children away from their own parents and ruling out their own culture out of them. The Australians, on the other hand, were starting to grow a strong hatred feeling towards the British as they were being cruel. Both cultures have different beliefs and spiritual views, causing inability for them to be understood. After many generations of breeding half - castes, the British succeeded in destroying the aborigines culture. For this pain and sorrow they suffered, I believe that the natives deserve an apology from the current Australians, to show their respect for what they have done for the country. Also, the natives need to be thanked, to show that the modern generation are thankful for their deeds and sufferings they went through for the well - being of Australia.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Rabbit-Proof Fence

While watching the movie, 'The Rabbit - Proof Fence', we were able to tell that Molly and her sisters were the protagonists, while Mr Nevile and the British were the antagonists. Throughout the whole movie, Molly has had actions to show her courage, as well as actions to show her weaknesses. Could Molly be classified as a hero for what she has done for herself, her sister and her cousin? Is Molly a champion, for fighting against the British people for the safety and well being for her and her family? Most of us would have different view on this, but personally, I think of Molly as a hero. At such a young age, she is taken away from her family, left to look after herself, her younger sister and cousin. She tries hard to fit in with the new environment, but she is unable to, after living with the aboriginal culture for many years of her life. Soon, she realizes that she cant, and runs away to her mother, which is 1,200 miles away from her and her company. Being a very good tracker, she leaves tracks on purpose, going the opposite direction she goes. The British tracker, Moodoo, has a hard time tracking them. I strongly think that Molly is a hero for all that she has done for the safety and happiness of her, her sister and her cousin.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How did the ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians cause conflict between the two groups?

The ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians caused many conflicts between the two groups as they had strong beliefs that they didn't share. The British believed that the land of Australia belonged to them as Captain James Cook 'claimed' the land of Australia, not knowing that the native tribes were already living there. When the British arrived, the two cultures got along perfectly fine until the British started taking down the Aboriginals crops to grow their own food. They started to clear land for their own huts and farming area, cutting down trees that were commonly used for burial ceremonies. The Aboriginals, not able to understand the ways of the British were completely confused and started to get angry. Both cultures were not able to communicate fluently, due to the different languages spoken but they tried their best to communicate. The British could also go around killing Aboriginals for the fun of it, when they should rather be hunting for food. The actions of the British caused great confusion with the Aboriginals and for revenge, some of the British men were killed. The fighting went on and on and these actions continued to cause more conflict between the two vast cultures.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Julius Caesar Duet Presentation

Julius Caesar Act II Scene II
lines 58 till 107

Partners with Janera, who will play Caesar, while I will play Decius Brutus

In this scene, Decius Brutus tries to persuade Caesar to go to the Capitol. Moments before Decius arrives, Caesar's wife, Calpurnia, convinces Caesar to stay home due to a nightmare she had dreamt of the night before. Decius uses flattery to re-interpret Calpurnia's dream. He re-interprets the nightmare as a vision of prosperity and good fortune that Caesar brings to Rome. In the end, Caesar agrees to go to Capitol with Decius.

The Significance of this scene is to show the characterization of Decius Brutus. This scene shows how well Caesar is known by the Senators, and how Decius is able to flatter Caesar. Decius shows that he is a fast thinker as well as a very calculative person who knows his friends very well. The scene also shows that Decius is very observant as he knows the personal Caesar, whose mind is easily changed by flattery.

Caesar, all hail! good morrow, worthy Caesar:
I come to fetch you to the senate-house.
And you are come in very happy time,
To bear my greeting to the senators
And tell them that I will not come to-day:
Cannot, is false, and that I dare not, falser:
I will not come to-day: tell them so, Decius.
Say he is sick.
Shall Caesar send a lie?
Have I in conquest stretch'd mine arm so far,
To be afraid to tell graybeards the truth?
Decius, go tell them Caesar will not come.
Most mighty Caesar, let me know some cause,
Lest I be laugh'd at when I tell them so.
The cause is in my will: I will not come;
That is enough to satisfy the senate.
But for your private satisfaction,
Because I love you, I will let you know:
Calpurnia here, my wife, stays me at home:
She dreamt to-night she saw my statua,
Which, like a fountain with an hundred spouts,
Did run pure blood: and many lusty Romans
Came smiling, and did bathe their hands in it:
And these does she apply for warnings, and portents,
And evils imminent; and on her knee
Hath begg'd that I will stay at home to-day.
This dream is all amiss interpreted;
It was a vision fair and fortunate:
Your statue spouting blood in many pipes,
In which so many smiling Romans bathed,
Signifies that from you great Rome shall suck
Reviving blood, and that great men shall press
For tinctures, stains, relics and cognizance.
This by Calpurnia's dream is signified.
And this way have you well expounded it.
I have, when you have heard what I can say:
And know it now: the senate have concluded
To give this day a crown to mighty Caesar.
If you shall send them word you will not come,
Their minds may change. Besides, it were a mock
Apt to be render'd, for some one to say
'Break up the senate till another time,
When Caesar's wife shall meet with better dreams.'
If Caesar hide himself, shall they not whisper
'Lo, Caesar is afraid'?
Pardon me, Caesar; for my dear dear love
To our proceeding bids me tell you this;
And reason to my love is liable.
How foolish do your fears seem now, Calpurnia!
I am ashamed I did yield to them.
Give me my robe, for I will go.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Learning Profiles

During class period, we had the opportunity to talk about our learning profiles. We went over the 5 senses of our body, and to find out which side we were more dominant in for the ear, hands, feet, eyes and brain. To find out, we took many tests and experiments to be sure of our results. When we were about to conclude the class, I found out that I was a Profile B learner, with my left-brain more dominant, allowing me to be a Logic Dominant Learner.

Looking over at the packet of paper we received, and comparing them to my own characteristics, I learn best when… I work while I move around either walking around the classroom, taking a look at what others do, or working with my hands on, meaning with experiments, labs, and activities. It also helps for me to have an instruction sheet with me including the directions for the specific assignment. This is useful for me so I am able to look over the instructions and work in an orderly manner, while going through each and every step. I find it extremely useful if I'm able to make connections with what I hear around me to what I see. For me to be able to study and learn better, I need to be able to make notes so I can remember it easier.

Since I’m more of a Logic Dominant Learner, I need to work on my Gestalt side of my brain. For this, it would help for me to brainstorm my ideas more, and to make more posters so I am able to unleash my creativity. Also, I need to work in groups more often, so I can listen to others’ ideas and connect them with some of my own. To help me become more of a Gestalt learner, I should be more physically active, in non-competitive sports such as swimming, running, walking and hiking. I should also be included in more activities that require me to imagine and visualize images in my mind.

Any strategies to help me learn better are for me to sit on the left side of the classroom, so I am able to use my dominant ear to hear what the teachers are saying. It would also be nice if I were able to have breaks in the middle of class to absorb what I have heard and to walk around. I would like to be able to have instructions sheets with me for all of our assignments, so I know what to do, and in what order to do them in. Seeing things on the board, as well as seeing an example of what we are doing is also very helpful for me when I work.

I would like my teachers to know that I am quite a visual and audio learner, as I have to see something in order to understand it. For me, listening to something doesn’t help me understand it better, but it helps to remember it better, and for a longer period of time. Also, it would be really helpful for me to be able to take notes during class about what we are learning and if the teacher doesn’t go through what we are learning too fast, so I have time to write it down. As well as taking notes, I would like to be able to have group discussions, or class discussions about what we are learning about so I have able to see other’s opinions on the same topic as mine. I also would want to have more class activities where we move around, walk, act or try out our own activities so it is easier for me to remember and absorb what we are learning.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome- How do the actions and decisions of people effect change?

While Brunelleschi was building the dome for the Florence Cathedral, he encountered many different problems. These problems were encountered by Brunelleschi taking many risks are having courage. He was brave enough to take all those risks to further continue on his dome. Brunelleschi was very committed to finishing his dome, no matter what happened. The Florentines were unsure about the design of Brunelleschi's dome, but their opinion changed, once Brunelleschi used the shape of an egg to design his dome. Once again, Brunelleschi took a rick, as he was not completely sure his dome would work. He spent a lot of time working on it, perfecting every single area. After the whole building was complete, the Florentines respected Brunelleschi for his creativity, courage and skill. Brunelleschi did not take that much interest into what people thought of him, I think this takes a large position to how he completed the dome.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do New Ideas Come From?

As I think about all the ideas that just suddenly come to my mind, it makes me wonder, 'Where DO these ideas come from'. Sometimes, I think that they just suddenly appear, out of random and for no reason whatsoever. Other times, I think that you get ideas from seeing things. For example, by reading a book, you get an idea on how to start your story or how the plot goes. Now that I thoroughly think it through, I believe that we get ideas from both seeing things and our brain's creativity. Some of you might disagree, because your not a person who has to see something to remember it. Maybe you hear some one's idea but change it so that's its new and is yours. That is very possible too. Also, for me, I am only able to think of new ideas when I'm in a quiet area with a calm state. It is not possible for me to think of many ideas when I'm stuck in chaos. The easiest time of day for me to get new ideas is at night. I'm not sure why this is, but when I'm just about to sleep, tons and tons of new ideas start flooding into my brain, so much so that I am not able to sleep. This is my personal opinion, but 'What about you? When do you get fresh new ideas? Where do you think they come from?'