Friday, January 28, 2011

Learning Profiles

During class period, we had the opportunity to talk about our learning profiles. We went over the 5 senses of our body, and to find out which side we were more dominant in for the ear, hands, feet, eyes and brain. To find out, we took many tests and experiments to be sure of our results. When we were about to conclude the class, I found out that I was a Profile B learner, with my left-brain more dominant, allowing me to be a Logic Dominant Learner.

Looking over at the packet of paper we received, and comparing them to my own characteristics, I learn best when… I work while I move around either walking around the classroom, taking a look at what others do, or working with my hands on, meaning with experiments, labs, and activities. It also helps for me to have an instruction sheet with me including the directions for the specific assignment. This is useful for me so I am able to look over the instructions and work in an orderly manner, while going through each and every step. I find it extremely useful if I'm able to make connections with what I hear around me to what I see. For me to be able to study and learn better, I need to be able to make notes so I can remember it easier.

Since I’m more of a Logic Dominant Learner, I need to work on my Gestalt side of my brain. For this, it would help for me to brainstorm my ideas more, and to make more posters so I am able to unleash my creativity. Also, I need to work in groups more often, so I can listen to others’ ideas and connect them with some of my own. To help me become more of a Gestalt learner, I should be more physically active, in non-competitive sports such as swimming, running, walking and hiking. I should also be included in more activities that require me to imagine and visualize images in my mind.

Any strategies to help me learn better are for me to sit on the left side of the classroom, so I am able to use my dominant ear to hear what the teachers are saying. It would also be nice if I were able to have breaks in the middle of class to absorb what I have heard and to walk around. I would like to be able to have instructions sheets with me for all of our assignments, so I know what to do, and in what order to do them in. Seeing things on the board, as well as seeing an example of what we are doing is also very helpful for me when I work.

I would like my teachers to know that I am quite a visual and audio learner, as I have to see something in order to understand it. For me, listening to something doesn’t help me understand it better, but it helps to remember it better, and for a longer period of time. Also, it would be really helpful for me to be able to take notes during class about what we are learning and if the teacher doesn’t go through what we are learning too fast, so I have time to write it down. As well as taking notes, I would like to be able to have group discussions, or class discussions about what we are learning about so I have able to see other’s opinions on the same topic as mine. I also would want to have more class activities where we move around, walk, act or try out our own activities so it is easier for me to remember and absorb what we are learning.