Monday, October 4, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome- How do the actions and decisions of people effect change?

While Brunelleschi was building the dome for the Florence Cathedral, he encountered many different problems. These problems were encountered by Brunelleschi taking many risks are having courage. He was brave enough to take all those risks to further continue on his dome. Brunelleschi was very committed to finishing his dome, no matter what happened. The Florentines were unsure about the design of Brunelleschi's dome, but their opinion changed, once Brunelleschi used the shape of an egg to design his dome. Once again, Brunelleschi took a rick, as he was not completely sure his dome would work. He spent a lot of time working on it, perfecting every single area. After the whole building was complete, the Florentines respected Brunelleschi for his creativity, courage and skill. Brunelleschi did not take that much interest into what people thought of him, I think this takes a large position to how he completed the dome.